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SIH Publication Incentive

SIH Publication Incentive

The Sydney Informatics Hub Publication Incentive is now open!

Users of SIH services, Artemis HPC, and NCI Raijin can submit eligible papers to win cash prizes up to $1000!

To be eligible, papers should:

  1. Be published in a peer-reviewed journal
  2. Be authored or co-authored by a current University of Sydney staff member or student
  3. Have made use of SIH services (e.g. Argus, Artemis/NCI HPC, CLC Genomics, IPA)
  4. Acknowledge the Sydney Informatics Hub
  5. Ensure that the publication is listed under your Research Outputs on IRMA

To enter:

  1. Ensure your paper meets the eligibility criteria above
  2. Complete the attached Excel entry form (you can include multiple publications within the same form)
  3. Email your completed Excel form along with a PDF version of your published manuscript/manuscripts to SIH Info (sih.info@sydney.edu.au).](mailto:sih.info@sydney.edu.au)
  4. Entries must be received by 1st October 2018 5 pm

The continued acknowledgment of the use of SIH facilities ensures the sustainability of our services. Thank you and good luck!

Some suggested phrasing for the acknowledgment:

The authors acknowledge the Sydney Informatics Hub and the University of Sydney’s high performance computing cluster Artemis for providing the high performance computing resources that have contributed to the research results reported within this paper.

The Sydney Informatics Hub Publication Incentive will be run throughout the year.

Image courtesy of Digital Realty